Technology & Science

The tour of the Liverpool ‘Old Dock Experience’ went very well. We are looking for ideas for future days out.  Do you have any please?

April 12th          Motorbikes with Frank

April 26th          Serendipitous Inventions

May 10th           Radio receivers from Hertz to SDR

May 24th           Chemistry and production of Cannabaceae

We have 2 dates to fill in June before our summer break.  Any offers for presentations or subjects to be presented please?  Contact Colin or Phil

Walking Netball starts 5th May

walking-netballThe 4 taster sessions for Walking Netball will be held at West Lancs College which is located just off Junction 4 on the M58 .  The sessions will last 1 hour and start on 5th May at 10.30 for 1 hour, are designed to making getting fit fun.  Men are welcome to join in, also there will lifts available, please contact Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or 0790052522 to reserve a place on this course.   The course is being provided by Netball England and is free of charge.

Canal Walking – come and join us on 25th May

The Canal Walking group are now going to use a mini bus to transport the group to the start of the walk and to pick them up at the end of the walk. Due to some of the group being on holiday we have two seats available on 25th May.  We will be walking from Riley Green Bridge PR50SP to Whitebirk Bridge BB13HW approx 7 miles.  The price will be £13 to cover mini bus.  If you would like to join us on this walk please contact Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0207 or 0790052522 to reserve your place. canal_walk_1-3