Foodie Group 17th Nov. 2016

Today Denis introduced us to a range of delicious, wholesome, budget meals . Although supermarkets produce quick, cheap meals it is much healthier and often cheaper to produce your own and bulk freeze.
Denis gave us a variety of recipes covering cheaper cuts of meat, sauces, pasta, stir fry, and pulses. I particularly liked the open topped chicken pie. Cooked chopped chicken, can of condensed soup, leeks and pastry base.

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Today 19 people completed the Sunday walk.  We headed over the water on the ferry, on what turned out to be a bright sunny day.  Some members walked from Seacombe to New Brighton, which was about 3.5 miles.  Others walked there and back from Seacombe to New Brighton about 6.5 miles, whilst others walked from Brunswick to  the Pier Head and then, there and back from Seacombe to New Brighton which was about 8.5 miles when we got back to Moorfield station. Continue reading

British History Group

This popular group, led by Geoff Kean has been in abeyance for a while due to  Geoff’s ill health. Although Geoff himself is much better, his wife Jenny now has a serious illness for which she has started treatment recently. In view of this Geoff has decided that he will be unable to restart the British History group as planned.
We would like to record our thanks to Geoff for his valuable contribution to our U3A since we began back in 2006; he has been an inspirational leader of a number of different groups. We all extend to Geoff and Jenny our love and thoughts at this difficult time.
Geoff  has said he would be  very happy to see the British History group re-form under new leadership. If this is something you feel you could do, or help with, please speak to Brenda McKenzie or  any member of the Group Support team.
David Allen


walking-netballFive of our members attended taster sessions run by Netball England at West Lancs College in Skelmerdale.   It is hoped that they will run more taster sessions maybe on a Friday morning.  Members of Parbold U3A have joined forces with us and we are hoping that between the two U3A’s we will be able to attract enough members to make a walking netball group viable. The sessions have run for 1 hour and consist of 30 minute warm up, and 30 minute for games.  It has proved to be great fun and a really good way of keeping fit. If you are interested please send a text to Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222 or come to the Group Support desk at Tuesday coffee morning on 28th March. Men are welcome to join the group.

Poetry Group

After a magnificent run of 10 years John Lea has

decided to retire from the group and Gwen Parry has taken over.

The first ‘new’ session went well and we wish them well for the future.

John thanks all for their past support.




Only two more Monday evening walks at Maghull before we move back to Lydiate on 3rd April, 2017 for our longer walks of 1hr 30mins. The photograph shows some of the group on a recent walk around Maghull. Whilst the weather on some of our walks has been cold, windy and wet, our loyal hardy walkers have braved the winter months and we are now enjoying the lighter nights and the start of spring. We are all looking forward to those balmy summer night walks in the countryside around Lydiate. Why not come and join us?

Happy Nordic Walking Ian, Brenda & John