

This New Year has seen a good turnout for our Nordic Walking Group, with a regular number of  around 17 walkers taking part, even though the nights are dark and the weather is sometimes cold and damp. We find that people are glad that they made the effort and enjoy the exercise. If you want to come and join us and have had the course, we meet as follows;

Monday – 6.30pm,  Maghull Baptist Church car park, 1 hour circular walk around Maghull
Suitable clothing and footwear.  Poles supplied if you don’t have your own

Happy Nordic Walking – Ian

Old Soldier’s story

Cliff Duncan has written an absorbing account of his time on National Service with the RAF in the 1950’s. It has been published  and can be viewed on line – see link below. Alternatively Duncan has one or to typed copies which he is prepared to lend interested members. It is a fascinating account of  a life changing experience. You can read how Cliff was a key man in the evacuation of Khartoum after the crisis of 1955 and how he commandeered the queen’s temporary throne at the El Adem RAF base!

Cliff  pictured with his book which you can read  online here.

Well worth a read, whether you suffered National Service yourself or just wonder what you missed. DK