Theatre Group

Latest news -10th January 2017

Fri 13th Jan           Sweet Charity    Royal Exchange       £43.00 TT        Sold out

Thu 9th Feb           Sunny Afternoon   music of the Kinks     Empire      £40.50 TT

Fri 10th Mar           Funny Girl            Empire                       £49.00 TT

Key:  TT Ticket and transport.

Discussion group After Christmas lunch

Reminder that instead of our usual meeting in January, we will be having our

“After Christmas” lunch on Thursday 26th January at the Bootle Arms.

Meet at 12.30 at the venue. If anyone hasn’t given their name to Brian, don’t worry, the numbers are elastic and you can still turn up on the day.  2 for 1 menu.

Looking forward to seeing you all  –  good company, good food and some good discussions. What more could you ask?

Maths 4 Fun

We had a great meeting to start the new year exploring 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 sided dice monopoly-board-game-1and the games they are used for. Hope you have all now honed your Monopoly skills and can beat the grandchildren hollow. If anyone still has bored youngsters to look after the best non-electronic game for the second year running seems to be Blokus, lots of coloured pieces on a scrabble type board. Takes around 30 seconds to learn, totally addictive for young and old alike, and full of hidden maths skills!

Next time – Wednesday 1st February – we will look at Maths in Art and discover the rules of perspective and composition that the classical masters knew. We will see how Fibonacci and the Golden Section appear from Michelangelo to Picasso and Mondrian, and how Escher managed to break the rules so successfully.

If you would like to join us please bring a pencil, ruler and rubber with you.

Remember         No Stress       Lots of Laughs

Sunday Strollers next walk 15th January

Next walk for Sunday Strollers is 15th January.  We will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50 to catch 11am Liverpool train. The walk is from Waterloo to Hightown.  Leaders are Colin and Evelyn, and I will be point of contact to answer any queries.  (07900525222 Brenda McKenzie).  It has been decided to eat at Great Mogul pub on return to Maghull at about 2.30

2017 Walking Group Programme

Following a very successful first walk of the year last week, several walkers asked me to repost the programme. Details of each upcoming walk will be put onto the noticeboard at the coffee morning approx. 3 weeks before the walk. Leaders will be available on the Tuesday a week  preceding the walk to give more information.

2017 Walk Programme

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Art Appreciation to visit Mostyn Gallery, Wales

We are visiting Mostyn Gallery

Sat 29th April  coach from Mag Sq. 8.15 am. cost £14.50

To tour and view the various art works on show including  the history of gallery.

Time permitting before our departure 4.00 PM we can take a stroll along the prom,prom prom! with some Arch 4 Fun info 

Small cafe on site.

Payment  is essential upon booking at desk with Maureen or Marj on Tuesday.                     THIS TRIP IS  FULL.