Flowers for Fun

A new six week course will start for this group on monday 13th February,  The dates being:

February    13th,  20th and  27th

March         13th , 20th, and  27thmu_1_daffodils_south_wootton_201211-570x326

The price of the course will be £15, this will include tea and coffee at each meeting. Meetings will be held at St Andrews Parish Hall, opposite St Andrews Church on the corner of Damfield Lane and Deyes Lane.

The class is suitable for mixed abilities and complete beginners, all are welcome.

This is the second course for this group, the first took place before Christmas.

If you would like to see what was achieved in the first course look under Flowers for fun on this site.

Please contact Brenda Mckenzie to add your name to the list of people who would like to attend this popular course either at the Tuesday coffee morning or on 531 0207.

Theatre Group

Future dates

Thurs 9th Feb           Sunny Afternoon

Empire Theatre       £49.50 TT

Friday 24th Feb      Thoroughly Modern Millie

Empire Theatre       £38.00 TT

Friday 10th March  Funny Girl

Empire Theatre       £49.00 TT (sold out)

Thurs 29th June       The Red Shoes (Ballet)

Empire Theatre       £36.00

Key TT= Ticket and transport

Pedal Pushers

The Pedal Pushers have now lost their ‘L‘ plates and become an
active cycling group, covering distances up to 12 miles, on their trips.
New members are welcome but they should have some cycling experience.

Members with no cycling experience should consider attending Active Sefton –

Friday beginners sessions – 1.30pm – 2.30pm
MeCycle Café 59 Station Rd,  Ainsdale   PR8 3HH
Bikes and helmets are available for loan – advanced booking required.

Tel: 0151 934 4576

Sunday Strollers

Last Sunday, Jan 15th,  a group of 17  walked from Waterloo Station along the promenade, past the Crosby Baths and Coastguard Station, through the sand hills and on to the Hightown Yacht Club. From there we walked through the nearby built up area and completed the walk at Hightown Railway station,  a distance of approx 5 miles.

Weather conditions were very windy but the walk was enjoyed by all.

The day ended with some of us having lunch in The Great Mogull,  back in Maghull

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Team Leader was Colin Gore, very ably assisted by Evelyn Rogers with her local knowledge.

Badminton group celebration

On Wednesday Jan 11th, members of the U3A Badminton group said thanks to Marj Grundy, who has been Team Leader of the group since it’s start 10 years ago.
Held at The Cherry House, Ormskirk, the evening was a great success with wonderful food and more importantly good company.
Marj will continue to play the game she loves and will have to put up with Colin Gore as her replacement,  it will be a hard act to follow.
She was presented with flowers and an M+S gift voucher.
Colin Gore.