February Walk

walkingThursday 2nd February. Please meet at Windmill Pub, Parbold for a 10:30 start.

2 walks available, 4-5 miles or 8-9 miles. Both include rough terrain and stiles so good walking footwear is essential. Those taking the short walk can have lunch at the pub after the walk. Unfortunately the kitchen closes at 2pm so those taking the longer walk will need to bring a packed lunch.

Contact Marg Kendall for more info.


Real Ale February Meet Up

Many thanks to Ian for leading our first day out of 2017 and for his write up of the day.  As Ian mentioned February will mean a year since the group first started and I don’t know where the days have gone, time flies when you’re having fun!  To celebrate we will be meeting in the Frank Hornby on Friday 24th February at 1pm.  John O’Neill is kindly organising a quiz and I hope as many of you can join us.

Cheers to you all and I hope 2017 has us visiting new hostelries, enjoying good company and excellent beers!