Walk on 8th Dec

To all of our good friends in the Walking Group:-

The gifts you gave us at the Fiveways today were certainly unexpected and greatly appreciated. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have been the Leader of the walks for the last six years, plotting the routes, printing the maps and contacting the pubs. (If anybody ever opens my phone there are more pub names listed than people.)  In that time  we were in the main blessed with good weather, sadly not today, and who can forget the time at Coniston when the rain came down in torrents but afterwards we all got toasty warm around a great roaring fire at the Crown Hotel. Our main thanks go to you the loyal walkers. Without you and your support there would be no group. With best wishes for the future.

Cheerio and have a good Christmas

Bill and Ann Langham



Our Christmas cycle ride took place on Monday, 5th December 2016. The ride commenced from Ormskirk Rail Station. Eleven cyclists took part in the ride.  The weather was crisp, clear and sunny.  We then cycled to the Lathom, Martin Mere, and Burscough areas, using lovely country lanes,  with a tea/coffee break en-route, returning to Ormskirk and the Toby Carvery, where we enjoyed a well earned pint and a rather large carvery.




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The last walk before Christmas took place today (08/12/16), and was led by Ian Gent. The weather was dull, misty and wet but warm for the time of year. The group met at Ormskirk Rail Station, where the walk was to start. There was 16 people on the walk, who braved the wet weather and muddy conditions.

The route took us across Wigan Road, down St Helens Road to Chapel Street (past the Cricketers Arms) to Brook Lane, passing the cricket ground on our left. We then went through a narrow tunnel with a very low roof under the railway line and turned left on a pathway along side the railway, to Black Moss Lane. Here we turned right into Prescot Road and left into Long Lane. At Christ Church we crossed the main road and walked up a track to the reservoir. Our circular route took us around the reservoir along rather muddy paths, stopping off for a coffee break along the way at a seat, where extensive views over the river Mersey estuary can be had, on a nice day, but not on this occasion. After leaving the reservoir path, we descended towards Ormskirk via Red Gate Farm, and made our way back to Ormskirk, passing a shop selling large metal animal statues en-route.  After saying goodbye to the animals, we headed for the Toby Carvery for our Christmas meal.

On arrival at the restaurant, Bill Langham was presented with a gift from the group by Margaret Schumacher, who also presented Ann Langham with a bunch of flowers. Bill, has been the leader of the Walking Group for many years but has had to relinquish his leadership for health reasons. Margaret Kendal has now taken on the role of Walking Group Leader.  After a very nice carvery meal, good company and conversation, we all departed for home.


The walks for 2017 have already been planned and will be advertised.