Practical Gardening Group

dahlia-bishopAt our meeting today, Dec. 5th, we celebrated the impact of the milder weather and the relatively late frosts with, for example, sweet peas only just finished flowering for one member and artichokes and tomatoes still growing for another!

Dahlias: Leaving dahlias in the ground and heavily mulching them or digging up and storing the tubers was discussed. It is really important if the tubers are dug up for them to be washed in lukewarm water (to remove soil etc) and then placed upside down to allow them to dry before being  planted in compost and stored in a dry frost free place. (Dusting on fungicidal powder first can be valuable in preventing disease.) The tubers  can then be replanted outside once the danger of frost passes. Also at this point cuttings can be taken where the tubers have sprouted.

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