Walking Netball

A new group,  Walking Netbal, is proposed.

The leader will be Brenda Mckenzie  (07900525222 /  01515310207)
This is a new group who will receive support and coaching from Stephanie Wignall from England Netball.

It has not been decided when and were we will meet this will be decided after our initial session with Stephanie which will be held at Edge Hill college at a date to be agreed.

If you are interested please contact Brenda McKenzie

Maths 4 Fun

colourful-carsWe had a great meeting this afternoon exploring networks, designing car park layouts and finishing off with a quick look at calendars. Do you know why the tax year starts on 6th April?

Well done to those who laughed as they laboured.

If you would like to join us, our next meeting will be Wednesday 7th December 2.30 to 4.30 at Kensington House when we will look at some of the Christmassy bits of maths. More information from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or wleach099@gmail.com

Speaker meeting report for November

Yesterdays  speaker meeting featured the wit and imagination of Richie Baker, aka Richie the Ranger, who entertained us with his mysterious talk of Ghosts, Murders and Mysteries. Using his vast knowledge of the Liverpool Parks, where he was Ranger for over 40 years, he told us of the ghostly sights and apparitions related to three of them. Ably assisted by two willing U3A volunteers, he recounted the tales of three hapless ladies said to haunt the areas following their tragic deaths.

Regrettably this was the last in the series of speaker meetings which will be held, due to continued low attendance numbers, as the cost of room hire and speaker fees is outstripping the entrance monies and I am mindful of use of U3A financial resources. I would like to thank members who have attended the meetings, and hope you agree that we “went out on a high”.