Sunday Strollers- Autumn Leaves


Sylvia Roberts led the walk this Sunday from West Kirkby, to Thurston along the Wirral Way and then back along the sea front to West Kirkby. A 6.2 mile walk. Everyone agreed it had been a great walk, with plenty of variety. A young  couple agreed to take a photo for us and even shook the over hanging tree so the leaves fell at the appropriate time. The group are doing a local walk next month on 20th November followed by lunch/coffee at Scrummies.  We are meeting in January to plan our walks for next year and some of the members have agreed to lighten the load and share leading walks, this will help to keep the group going.  Groups should be aiming for group members to each do a little which saves a few doing it all, which results in a win win for everyone.  If you are interested in joining this group please contact John or Brenda McKenzie for further details on 0151 531 0207.