Walking group meeting on Tuesday 18th October

The meeting was attended by 20 people who come walking and we decided the following for 2017.

1. The new Group Leader will be Margaret Kendall.  Deputy Group Leader is Alan Carr.

2. It was decided that all walks should be on the first Thursday of the month thus avoiding clashes with other activities.

3. Most members would like the walks to be accessible by public transport with occasional walks a bit further afield and one walk in June by coach. One person has an aversion to buses and would prefer to travel by train.

4. There was some interest in arranging venues using cars but the logistics could cause problems. Margaret Schumacher would be willing to make the arrangements.

5. There was a suggestion that some people would like longer walks and it was agreed that where feasible,and providing there are sufficient leaders, two walks will be arranged both finishing at the same point in order to maintain the social aspect of the group. One walk will be approximately 5 miles and the longer one 7 to 8 miles.

6. The 2017 venues for the first seven months are as follows:-

5th January –   Lydiate  – Leaders Judith Jones and Alan Carr

2nd February – Parbold – Leader   Ian Gent

2nd March –      Hale Village

6th April           Sankey Valley – Leader   Ken

4th May           Ormskirk (Warhorse walk)  – Leader Margaret Kendall

1st June         By coach, Destination T.B.A.

6th July          Aughton

I have deleted the word LOOP from the 5th Jan as the proposed walks do not use the Lydiate Loop.

Practical Gardening Group

At our 3rd October meeting Brenda (McKenzie) led an initial  session on Garden Planning. Brenda had attended external Garden Planning sessions a few years ago,

Brenda's lovely garden

Brenda’s lovely garden

following which she planned out and achieved the garden she wanted. Some of the key messages were:

  • keep it simple and be flexible
  • decide what you want to use the garden for
  • plan for future seasons and years
  • focus on achieving what you want.

Brenda reiterated the importance of drawing your garden and existing or intended key features to scale before starting to think about plants and using garden magazines and other sources to decide what you like and want to include. Garden Planning sessions will continue. The group generally want to make sure they are getting what they want from their own gardens whilst also using ‘to scale drawings’ of one or two of the group who wish to replan, to develop discussions.

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Practical Gardening Group

Maureen planting a layered spring bulb pot

Maureen planting a layered spring bulb pot

12 September meeting :

Today our discussions included our bulb preferences and the use of plastic bulb planting trays which have worked well for one member of the group.

Maureen (Ward) demonstrated planting a layered bulb pot which would produce a series of different flowers as the season progressed.

Tips: Plant latest flowering bulb deepest, use grit under each bulb layer and on the top of the soil when fully planted, let bulbs fully die back before clearing the leaves and feed bulbs with bonemeal after flowering. Continue reading