Sunday Strollers- Autumn Leaves


Sylvia Roberts led the walk this Sunday from West Kirkby, to Thurston along the Wirral Way and then back along the sea front to West Kirkby. A 6.2 mile walk. Everyone agreed it had been a great walk, with plenty of variety. A young  couple agreed to take a photo for us and even shook the over hanging tree so the leaves fell at the appropriate time. The group are doing a local walk next month on 20th November followed by lunch/coffee at Scrummies.  We are meeting in January to plan our walks for next year and some of the members have agreed to lighten the load and share leading walks, this will help to keep the group going.  Groups should be aiming for group members to each do a little which saves a few doing it all, which results in a win win for everyone.  If you are interested in joining this group please contact John or Brenda McKenzie for further details on 0151 531 0207.


We will be walking this Sunday 30th October.  The walk will be from Waterloo to Hightown and we will then get the train to Freshfield and go to the Pinewoods Pub for lunch if you would like to join us.  Usual time at Maghull station 10.50 bring your pass with you if you have one.  Any queries ring 531 0207 and speak to John or Brenda or 07900525222

Maths 4 Fun

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Our future meetings will be on the first Wednesday of the month, starting on 2nd November from 2.30 to 4.30.

Venue:  Kensington House, Station Road, Maghull.         Cost £1.50

Tea, coffee and oher drinks available from 3.00. If you would like to join us please contact Wanda Leach  or  284 8454

Last month we looked at:-fibrabbits1

Networks and their uses

The investor’s “Rule of 70”

Fibonacci series applied to trees and rabbits!

No stress!  Plenty of laughs.


Is Our Countryside Dying?

Did you know that some experts think the UK countryside is only good for another 100 harvests?

How will we grow food then?  countryside1countryside2

Come along to our Discussion group to find out more over a friendly cup of tea or coffee –

Thursday 27th October 1.30  –  3.00

Venue  –  Melling Tithebarn  –  round the corner from the Bootle Arms.


24471-clipart-illustration-of-a-young-roman-soldier-man-in-a-helmet-leaning-against-his-shield-and-holding-a-spear35272065We will be paying a visit to the ancient Roman Village of Ribchester, one of the most popular villages in Lancashire, set on the River Ribble.  The local Museum traces the history of the area and Roman occupation.  A recent archaeological dig unearthed the remains of a Roman Fort.  The village is well worth strolling round with a good selection of shops, cafes, art gallery, roman baths etc.  There is also a small Garden Centre which is well stocked with plants and has a collection of cabins selling various goods.  With a  nice cafe on site it is a good venue for morning coffee
Onto the comfortable family owned Ferraris Country House Hotel in Lancashire, which is set in beautiful grounds, where we will have a delicious 3 course lunch followed by tea/coffee and then an interesting talk about the experiences of Ms.Jennie Coulston-Herrmann, who is a retired high ranking Police Officer.  One of her many skills was employed in hostage negotiations.  Humorous, entertaining and worth hearing..
Thurs.2nd February 2017  Dep.9.l5am  Ret.5pm  Price £25 inc.3 courselunch/talk
Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday lst November 2016