Hightown to Waterloo

Thursday 8th Sept saw ten walkers assemble at Hightown Station for what could have been a very damp walk as the rain had been fairly constant up till then, however to use an old nursery rhyme “out came the sun and dried up all the rain”so off we set ,nobody fancied going over the sandhills so Pam Bennet knew of a new concreted track and led the way. On arrival at the Royal Hotel places had been reserved for us and we enjoyed a good lunch.

Bill Langham

Canal Walking Group

We now have 25 people showing interest in the Canal Walking Group.

We will be meeting on 12th September at 12 o, clock, at Maghull Parish Hall.

It looks like this group will walk on 4th Thursday.  Brian Leech who runs the Discussion group on the 4th Thursday has been advised and has no problem with this

We are encouraging full participation from group members.

Christmas Events

Christmas social

Friday 9th December

Maghull British Legion

Buffet and entertainment including ukele group, drama and dancing.

Tickets  £10

See Doris at the coffee morning as soon as possible

Christmas Lunch at the Adelphi

Wednesday 14th December,

Currently this is fully booked!

Full payment of £16 required as soon as possible please.

Most people have paid a deposit of £5 so a further £11 before end of October

If you have not booked and would like to come to the Adelphi see me on Tuesday at the coffee morning.

Thanks – Doris




Tech and Science

Interested in Technology and Science?

Our new season starts in September with these topics:-T+S

14th Sep      Move it, Shift it, Move it.

28th Sep       IoT – The Internet of Things

12th Oct        The Jet Stream

26th Oct TBC
9th   Oct TBC
23rd NovTBC
If you have a subject to present, are interested in hearing about one or fancy a day out to something of interest then please contact the group leaders.