Sunday Strollers next walk 30th October

The next Sunday Strollers walk date has been changed from 23rd October to 30th October.  We will meet at the usual time 10.50 at Maghull Station.  If you have a bus pass please bring it with you.

img_098313 people joined us on 25th of September for a 5 mile walk from Moreton to Hoylake. The day
was breezy but sunnyand the cobwebs were certainly blown away. We had a very enjoyable Sunday lunch at The Ship in Hoylake.  We left Maghull at 11am and were back for 4pm.


Holiday Group

bletchBletchley Park & Burghley House
Fancy finding out how the Enigma machine really worked?
This is your chance; booking opens on the 3rd of October for a five day break around the Huntingdon/Cambridge area next September.
At £399.00 this includes half board accommodation in a four star hotel and
various excursions including a day at Betchley Park home of the spy masters.

 Click on the link to find full details of the holiday or see the Holiday Desk next Tuesday.


Sunday Lunch Group

Our next lunch date will be at The Bootle Arms in Melling on Sunday, 6th November. Time: 1.30p.m. for 2.00p.m.

They do not require a deposit or menus in advance.

All main courses, including specials board

are 2 4 1 so fill your boots!

I suggest we arrive at 1.30ish if we want to eat at 2.00p.m.

We’re taking names on Tuesday, 27th September

(maximum 30 places)

Real Ale Appreciation

Friday 28th October – Liverpool Pub Crawl

We will be meeting in the Lime Kiln at 1230 (plenty of time for lunch for those who are hungry).  Our next stop will be the newly refurbished Grapes on Roscoe Street then on to the Fly in the Loaf, Hard Times and Misery, McKenzies and the Dispensary.  Here’s to a another good day out.  Cheers!

Recent visit to West Kirby

The day went well helped by the lovely weather.  Our first port of call was the Dee Hotel a Wetherspoons which had a good selection of ales, then up the road to the White Lion where most of us tried a ruby ale (I think this was on the turn!)  We left here and doubled back on our tracks to the West Kirby Tap which has a very good selection on offer my favourites being the Vanilla Stout and award winning Abyss by Neptune Brewery in Maghull.

I suggest on any future outings to further afield that we meet at 11am as valuable drinking time is wasted travelling!

Tech and Science report

unnamedOur last meeting saw Norman Stalford on

“Move it, Shift it, Move it”, a very detailed, but excellent presentation on moving and lifting throughout the ages.

He gave deatailed numbers for the huge lifting capacities of the latest systems and ended with images of  the new dockside cranes in Liverpool.

Our next meeting is 28th on IoT – The Internet of Things


Water: our scarcest resource?

Did you know that half the hospital beds in the world are occupied by people with water shortage related problems?

Fresh water, dirty water, too much of it, too little of it!

Come and find out more, and express your views over a cup of tea/coffee at our discussion group on Thursday 22nd September 13.30-15.00

Venue: Melling Tithebarn, L31 1EE (round the corner from the Bootle Arms)

Entrance £1


October Speaker Meeting

On Tuesday, 4th October at 11am in the sanctuary at Maghull Baptist Church
George Sephton, the stadium announcer at Liverpool Football Club for 45 years, will be our visiting speaker. lfcGeorge will entertain us with his tales and with inside information from his long time with LFC.
He has a reputation as being a very entertaining speaker.
Whether you are ‘a red’ or ‘a blue’, please come along on Tuesday 4th to enjoy George’s entertaining and informative talk.
As usual the admission charge is only £1 (to cover the cost of hiring the church for the meeting).