Practical Gardening group meeting on 15 August
We met again again in Brenda’s lovely garden. Eleven members of the group attended this second meeting, with others having given apologies due to holidays etc. After introductions the group split into three groups to discuss what we would all like to cover over the next twelve months
Suggestions for further discussion over coming months included:
* Bulbs
* Dahlias and chrysanthemums
* Plants which will survive sustained downpours
* How to eradicate decorative grasses which root underground and plants such as horsetail, ground elder, berberis and ivy which have spread and need to be removed
* Household plants
* Growing vegetables
* Hanging baskets and containers including growing herbs in containers
* Compost
* Medical uses of plants
* Growing seeds and taking cuttings
* What not to have in the garden
* Handy tools
* Garden design and making our own gardens more interesting “maximum beauty , minimum maintenance”
* Spring (and other) pruning
* Christmas decorations
* Soil types – including testing our own soils
* Improvisation eg the use of tin cans as planters
* Winter garden preparation and care
* Jobs in the garden this month (each meeting)
The group agreed we would look at these suggestions further in coming meetings and also that the feasibility of getting ‘expert’ speakers would be explored if needed. (Sunnyfield Nursery Hightown, plus a gardener known to Roberta were suggested as possibilities)
We agreed to share garden magazines and books, plants, cuttings, seeds and garden tools/equipment if needed. Also to potentially sell cuttings, plants etc to raise money for group funds and resources
Maghull U3A garden plot
A substantial plot of land has been secured for the use of our group at Hudson Primary School which some members of the group are interested in working. They have been working very hard to clear the plot of weeds and prepare it for planting but this is proving to be particularly arduous work. It was agreed that help from others would be helpful. Brenda has now approached Maghull in Bloom and will update at our next meeting
Maureen (Ward) will update on the plot at each meeting
Future meetings
Monthly two hour meetings will be held at Maghull Parish Hall, (corner of Damfield Lane and Deyes Lane- car parking available at St Andrews Church Damfield Lane). The first such meeting will be on 12 September from 10 to 12 am with subsequent meetings on the first Monday of the month. Future schedule:
12 September
- bulbs for gardens and containers (all to research)
- what has grown well/not so well in 2016 and why
- what should be grown on ‘our’ plot
3 October
- garden design
- preparing the garden for winter
7 November
5 December
New Year lunch in January (no meeting)
6 February
New members
It was agreed that the Chair would be asked on 16 August to encourage U3A members to join our group
Tip for August (from Maureen Ward)
Carry essential garden hand tools around in a small canvas bag tied around your waist. This keeps everything to hand and prevents hand tools being misplaced around the garden.
Caroline One of our group, David Ward, would like to take 12 months worth of the magazines if that’s possible. Unfortunately he doesn’t have space to store any more. I can pass David’s email address to you if you text me your phone number. (My number is above) Thanks again Dot
Caroline, thank you for your offer which is very generous but sadly I personally don’t have the space to store these magazines. Our group meets next Monday and I will ask if anyone in the group would like the magazines. Id be grateful if you could txt me (07816 398 056) your phone number and I’ll come back you. Many thanks again Dot
Hi, I’m ‘decluttering’ and trying to find a worthy home for my old editions of the RHS ‘The Garden’ magazine. I have a full set from Jan 2001 until Jan 2014 ( with just July 2008 missing for some reason) most of which are in good, if not mint, condition. As you can imagine, they take up quite a lot of space! Is this something your group could make use of? If not do you know of any other deserving recipient? I’m in the Aughton & Ormskirk U3A but their Gardening Group has just closed down.
Kind Regards Caroline Hendra