New Group – Walking the Liverpool Leeds Canal

We are hoping to start a new group to walk parts of the Liverpool Leeds canal.  Initially we are looking at what interest we have in this project.  David Scott is looking into different possibilities.  Each section will consist of  approx 8 miles so you must be able to walk this distance. There has already been a lot of interest shown in this group, so if you are interested contact Brenda McKenzie to add you name to the list.

Sunday Strollers August Walk Cancelled

Due to the number of people being on holiday it has been decided to cancel the August walk.  The next walk will be on 25th September.  We will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50.  Don’t forget to bring your bus pass if you have one. There is an opportunity to do an extra walk that will be about 8.5 miles long in Ormskirk -The War Horse trail.  Possible date for this would be 18th September.  If you are interested in taking part in this walk please telephone Brenda McKenzie on 0151 531 0277.  If you would like to take part in a 4.5 walk on Sunday 14th August run by Sefton Active led by Brenda McKenzie please be at Birkdale Railway Station at, for further information please contact Brenda on above phone number.,