- Identifying a weed from a plant.
- To talk about gardening with like minded people
- Exchange seeds and plants
- Would nurseries be willing to have meetings (Cheryl to investigate)
- Allotment at Hudson School (Pat Snape had made enquiries about a piece of land at the school and David Ward volunteered to investigate further)
- Where should we hold meetings? St. Andrew’s Hall, the Sanctuary and Hudson School were suggested.
- With changing weather what plants can withstand all the rain? – photo any in your garden that have withstood the recent heavy rain.
- Hints on taking cuttings
- Treating diseases
- Demonstrations by members
It was decided to hold another meeting asap so the group is meeting on Monday18th July in 57 Deyes Lane at 10.30 with the subject of identifying weeds that members bring with them. We will then decide where to hold regular meetings.
It was hoped to get an allotment immediately. Brian Leach commented that it would need digging before planting could take place. A number of members are prepared to dig.
Members were asked if they would be prepared to be Group co-ordinator. No one volunteered as yet but members seemed willing to take turns in leading sessions. So all in all a good start to the new group.