Theatre Group

Please find our latest shows.  NB Only 2 tickets left for Bridgewater Hall


Sunday   31st July         Last Night of the Proms   Bridgewater Hall        £42.00 TT

Friday     16th Sep         Chicago                              Empire                         £44.00 TT

Friday      14th Oct          Sister Act                           Empire                         £44.00 TT

Key: TT Ticket and transport. 

1 thought on “Theatre Group

  1. Aughton and Ormskirk Musical Theatre would like to invite you to our next production
    “Act Your Age” a Musical Comedy Farce in true Brian Rix Style at Ormskirk Civic Hall
    10/12th November comm 19.30hrs. Tickets £8 for U3a members.
    Guaranteed a great laugh.
    Please contact me for tickets by e.mail or phone on 07801 106335
    Thank You
    Peter lloyd
    Publicity Officer

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