Summer Walks

Thursday June 9th  – A walk from the Hop Vine in Burscough to Crabtree Lane and by various footpaths to a farm shop/cafe near the Martin Inn then back along the canal to the Hop Vine for lunch. If coming by car, the pub has a small car park but there is a large Tesco store over the road with a much larger car park. If coming by bus, the 2A leaves stand 6 at Ormskirk at 9.48 and arrives at the Hop Vine at 10.06 The walk starts at 10.30am.
Leader Judith Jones

Thursday 7th July – This was going to be our coach trip for a ramble around Barley/Pendle Hill. Unfortunately due to lack of support the trip is not viable and therefore it has been cancelled. For the few who have paid, please see me at the Walking desk for your refund.

Thursday 11th August – A walk from West Kirby Rail Station, along the Wirral way for a short distance then up to the Beacon, along Caldy Ridge then down to the shore line and back into West Kirby for lunch at Wetherspoons. The walk starts at 10.30 am
Leader Margaret Schumacher



We may soon have to think about changing the name of this group!  On our latest walk we set off from Sandhills station and walked along the canal, and Dock Road until we reached the Pier Head, where we had a short stop for a coffee or ice cream and then carried on to the Britannia pub.  After Sunday lunch some of the group decided to carry on to the site IMG_0624of the Garden Festival and get the train at St Michaels, some got the bus/train  back to Liverpool, whilst the rest of the group retraced their steps back to Moorfields, covering 10 miles!!!!  Thanks to Judith and Ken for leading this walk, it was all on the flat and people were given options along the route to shorten or lengthen the walk to meet their personal needs.