Walking Group

Thursday 7th July      Outing by coach to Barley/Pendle Hill

We propose to travel to Barley where there will be a choice of two walks.

A)   Keith Graham will lead a circular walk to the top of Pendle Hill and back down            into Barley ( fairly strenuous with a climb of approx 1000feet)

B)    Margaret Schumacher will lead a gentler walk of around 5 miles with some                uphill.

The cost will be £12 and the numbers limited to 41
If interested give your name with a five pound deposit to Bill at the walking desk. Balance to be paid by 14th June.
The coach will depart from Central Square at 9.30 and leave for home at 5.00pm

Book Clubs

Books we are reading:

14 April  The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce

22 April: And The Mountains Echoed by  Khaled Hosseini

12 May   Sunshine on Scotland Street by A. McCall Smith

27 May:  The Stranger’s Child by Alan Hollinghurst.

Contact Anne Carr 526 2734 or David Kearney 526 6001

See latest Newsletter for more information.