Real Ale Appreciation – First meeting

The Real Ale Appreciation group met for the first time at the Frank Hornby, on 19th February.  This gave members the opportunity to say what they want to get from the group. This includes:

  • Getting to know a bit more about beer.
  • Visiting breweries
  • Looking at and enjoying the architecture of some pubs
  • Enjoying the crack
  • Attending Beer Festivals
  • Going to other areas including St Helens, Ormskirk and Southport to see the pubs in those areas

It was discussed that not everyone wants to drink the same amount, so members would pay for their own drinks.  This means group members can drink at their own pace. It was also agreed that we would not leave all the work to our leader Sue, we would share the load.

We will meet once a month.  Our first outing will be on 26th February, when we will meet at the Lime Kiln in Liverpool just off Concert Square at 1.30.  The pubs we hope to visit are Lime Kiln, The Swan, The Little Grapes and Roscoe Head.

Please contact Sue if you want more information on 07801656570



Sunday Strollers- Walk in Maghull

20160221_125210Sunday Strollers went on their third walk on 22nd February.  12 members took part.  As the trains were not running we decided to do a local walk. A lot of the footpaths in Maghull and Lydiate are very wet so it was decided to keep to the canal.  We met at Maghull station and got on the local bus which took us to the starting point at Maghull Community Centre. We walked along the canal to Brewers Bridge, when four of the group then decided to make use of the new bench there, whilst the rest of the group carried on to bridge that leads to the Bootle Arms.  We then all returned back to the station via the canal and had lunch at the Mogul.  The walk was 4 or 5 miles long depending on which walk you did or if you like to count steps it was 8000 or 10000 steps.  One of our members is only able to manage 2000 steps at present so she made her way to the Mogul and joined the group for lunch after completing her 2000 steps.  Most of the group then walked home after the meal, so increasing the steps they had already completed.  We were lucky with the weather and the sun even showed its face!!!  Our next walk will be on 20th March, when we will meet at Maghull station at 10.50 and will go over on the ferry to Seacombe and walk to New Brighton, were we will have lunch in Wetherspoons.  Members can then decided if they want to walk back to Seacombe and get ferry back to Liverpool. or get the train/bus home from New Brighton    20160221_134228