Pedal Pushers

Formerly known as ‘Easy Riders 2’,  this newly renamed group headed by Bill Ashton and led by Ross Adams of Active Sefton,  offers a cycling opportunity for raw beginners.

The group continue to meet weekly at Litherland Sports centre, under the watchful eye of Ross Adams, Active Sefton and CTC. The majority of group members have now experienced cycling outside the confines of the sports track and ventured onto neighbouring cycle paths.

Ross was unable to provide support for us this week, but with his “blessing” we took to our own devices and ventured further.

Under the careful tuition of Bill Ashton, our new U3A cycle leader, we rode as far as Rimrose Valley Country Park and completed 5.5 miles on roads and paths without mishap! Ross was very impressed with our continued progress and we will be venturing further on our next outing.

The 10 mile ride to celebrate U3A 10th anniversary is no longer a distant dream!