It was a long time in planning but Fri.4th December saw us off on a Holmeswood Coach first to High Legh Garden Centre, Knutsford.  It is a good Centre with lots of choice and I think the cards were flashed quite a lot as everyone seemed to have bags of something or other.  We left there for the Forest Hills Hotel, Frodsham.  A comfortable, privately owned Best Western Hotel with super panoramic views of the Mersey Estuary.  After eventually taking our seats, we were served with a delicious meal, accompanied by plenty of wine, followed by coffee and stollen.  A good day was had by all.

Table Games Group

The Table games group continue to meet until Monday 14th Dec.

We then break until Monday 4th Jan.

We currently offer Bridge and Scrabble.

Why not come along and test your skills in a very friendly atmosphere.

Mondays, 10 – 12 in the Town Hall  ground floor coffee bar