Philosophy is not just the preserve of brilliant but eccentric thinkers that it is popularly supposed to be. It is what everybody does when they are not busy dealing with their everyday business  and get a chance simply to wonder what life and the universe are all about.image-150x150

  • We are a friendly group  and you are most welcome to come along and give it a try. We meet once a month
  • next meeting  Wednesday 15th November 2017  we will be studying current British philosopher Mary Warnock
  • 2.30pm to 4.30pm.  
  • Contact Tony Snape 526 3146.
  • Please note there will be no meeting in December .We will  restart on the 3d Wednesday in January 2018.


Pedal Pushers

Eight members of the beginners cycling group met at Litherland cycle track for the second time.  It was not long before we were all cycling around the track. It was great to see the improvements people had made from last week, Pauline being our star performer this week.We have started to learn how to ride in a group and to cope with the the man made hazards Ross introduced.  Our next meeting is on 6th January 2016 .   We are all  grateful for the support Ross from Active Sefton and CTC is providing.





Four new courses have been announced for beginners.  It is essential that anyone wishing to join our Nordic Walks, has had the course.  The courses are free and the poles will be provided.

Each 4 hour course is split over 2 days, therefore you must be available for both days when booking a place. Continue reading

Pedal Pushers

U3A_Cycling_Group (1)

Ross Adams from Sefton Active Travel and CTC is helping 11 U3A members to get back to cycling, One of the group had not been on a bike for over 50 years!!!!!  This picture was taken at the end of the session and as you can see it is smiles around.  Members who need extra support will be given 121 tuition whilst others will start to ride in pairs around the track on the next session.   So watch this space the sky is the limit.


On Monday, 7th December 2015, our last walk before Christmas and of 2015 took place.  The walk, which was led by Brenda McKenzie, commenced outside the Red House pub in Foxhouse Lane, Maghull.  The group were suitably attired for Christmas, having donned Santa hats, reindeer antlers and other decorations.  The red flashing lights and Hi-Viz clothing we wear for safety, also took on a festive look.  The route was designed to pass as many houses as possible that were richly decorated and festooned with Christmas lights.  We also visited the Christmas tree and lights in Maghull square.  Having returned to the Red House, we joined the Foodie and Badminton Groups (all organised by Brenda), in a room reserved especially for us, where we enjoyed some good food, drink, song and conversation.  A good night was had by all.

On behalf of Brenda, John and Myself, may we take this opportunity to wish you all



Please note that the first walk of the New Year will be on Monday, 18th January 2016, when we will once again meet on the car park of Maghull Baptist Church at 6.30pm.


It was a long time in planning but Fri.4th December saw us off on a Holmeswood Coach first to High Legh Garden Centre, Knutsford.  It is a good Centre with lots of choice and I think the cards were flashed quite a lot as everyone seemed to have bags of something or other.  We left there for the Forest Hills Hotel, Frodsham.  A comfortable, privately owned Best Western Hotel with super panoramic views of the Mersey Estuary.  After eventually taking our seats, we were served with a delicious meal, accompanied by plenty of wine, followed by coffee and stollen.  A good day was had by all.

Table Games Group

The Table games group continue to meet until Monday 14th Dec.

We then break until Monday 4th Jan.

We currently offer Bridge and Scrabble.

Why not come along and test your skills in a very friendly atmosphere.

Mondays, 10 – 12 in the Town Hall  ground floor coffee bar