Pedal Pushers

New Cycling Group formed

We have two very successful cycling groups, who go on enjoyable  bike rides every Monday.  However, there are members who would like to take part but have not been on a bike for many years and do not have the confidence at this moment to join Easy Riders. Owing to the popularity of Easy Riders, they would struggle to take on new members, due to the problems of getting on trains with a large number of  bikes. Continue reading

Book review

51nu26tHj-L._SX323_BO1204203200_‘Stoner‘ by John Williams

The novel is set in and around the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia and covers the period from 1910 when the protagonist, Stoner, first enters university, until his death in 1956.

Stoner is an only child in a lonely household, where he and his parents work from dawn to dusk eking out a meagre living from the barren, unrelenting land.  On finishing high school, his surprisingly forward-looking parents enrol him into the University of Missouri to study agriculture.  English literature is a required element of the course and Stoner has a ‘Damascus’ moment, realising that this is where his future lies. Continue reading

Welsh Group – ‘Salem’

Test your welsh skills and find out about the  famous painting ‘Salem’ by Vosper

Capel y Bedyddwyr yn Cefncymerau , Llanbedr , ger Harlech ywSalem. Adeiladwyd y capel yn 1850 . Roedd yr arlunydd Vosper yn ymweld â’r capel yn aml pan ar wyliau yn yr ardal. Efallai Salem yw’r lle mwyaf enwog o addoli yng Nghymru ar ôl Sant Dewi.

Yn ‘ Salem ‘ , cymeriad canolog yw Siân Owen o Ty’n -y – fawnog . Mae hi’n cael ei ddangos yn cerdded i lawr yr eil tuag at ei sedd teulu . Yr amser ar y cloc, yw ychydig funudau cyn deg , yn dangos ei bod wedi cyrraedd yn hwyr , yn ystod y distawrwydd arferol cyn i’r gwasanaeth boreol ddechrau. Mae ei siôl llachar mewn cyferbyniad llwyr â’r wisg somber y bobl eraill sy’n bresennol . Mae wedi cael ei awgrymu bod y darlun yn gwneud sylwadau ar y pechod o falchder . Efallai ei fod wedi cyrraedd yn hwyr ar bwrpas er mwyn sicrhau bod y gynulleidfa uchaf ar gyfer ei fynedfa . Yn y plygiadau y siôl ar y fraich chwith Siân, mae llawer o bobl yn credu y gallant weld wyneb diafol .

Allwch chi weld e?

NB See translation below and click here to view the painting: Salem-1

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Short Break – Dorset


Mon.16th May to Friday 20th May 2016 – A 5 day/4 night break/ dinner/bed/breakfast plus 3 excursions has been designed for us by Airedale Tours.  Staying at the comfortable Crown Hotel in Weymouth which has all the usual facilities and  is close to the quaint busy harbour, town centre, promenade etc. Continue reading

Foodie Group progress

 What we have achieved this year:
  • We have attended Italian, Spanish and Caribbean demonstrations
  • Attended Hugh Baird and had an overview of what they do there including kitchens and had lunch and on a later date afternoon tea,
  • Supported Macmillian coffee morning
  • Had picnic’s on Pride of Sefton and at 57 Deyes
  • Gone for meals at Red House, Mowgli, Keiths, and of course Gores a new restaurant in Maghull. (Colin’s)
  • Gone round a Chinese supermarket
The the main achievement was to cook a Chinese meal for 40 people which included 5 starters and 10 main meals under the watchful eye of Denis.

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