The Easy Riders

2015-5 May

We cycle every week on Mondays, weather permitting and in the past year have managed in excess of 40 rides with an average of 10 riders.  We aim to cycle about 12 to 15 miles plus any distance to our meeting point.

This year we have introduced  some new rides as well as old favourites. In April we took the train to St Michaels, cycled thro’ the festival gardens to the prom along to Otterspool park and then to Sefton park where he Marie Curie ‘Field of Hope’ daffodils were in full bloom, returning after coffee by the same route. An alternative route from St Michaels involves turning right at the prom, cycling to the Pier Head for coffee then picking up the canal at the Eldonian village locks and following it back to Maghull. Continue reading

Norman’s Garden

Norman Conway’s amazing garden with its many surprising features and tropical plants was open again for the last time this year. The weather was good and although attendance was down on last year  the event raised over £500 for Clatterbridge Cancer Research. Norman thanks everyone for their donations and support. Here are some photos of the event. Ed.

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