What the foodie group is all about

Members of the Foodie Group consist of people interested in all aspects of food and, in particular, opening up areas we have never tackled ourselves.

Discussing    Planning   Preparing     Cooking     Eating      Assessing

The main focus is to have fun. Topics are chosen for each meeting and anyone with an expertise in the subject leads the session.  We have made spaghetti, bread, Chinese food, simnel cakes, chocolate designs, looked at regional food, food from other countries, fish recipes, and had BBQ’s. Continue reading

The Easy Riders

2015-5 May

We cycle every week on Mondays, weather permitting and in the past year have managed in excess of 40 rides with an average of 10 riders.  We aim to cycle about 12 to 15 miles plus any distance to our meeting point.

This year we have introduced  some new rides as well as old favourites. In April we took the train to St Michaels, cycled thro’ the festival gardens to the prom along to Otterspool park and then to Sefton park where he Marie Curie ‘Field of Hope’ daffodils were in full bloom, returning after coffee by the same route. An alternative route from St Michaels involves turning right at the prom, cycling to the Pier Head for coffee then picking up the canal at the Eldonian village locks and following it back to Maghull. Continue reading

Norman’s Garden

Norman Conway’s amazing garden with its many surprising features and tropical plants was open again for the last time this year. The weather was good and although attendance was down on last year  the event raised over £500 for Clatterbridge Cancer Research. Norman thanks everyone for their donations and support. Here are some photos of the event. Ed.

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Think way back to November, this trip was just starting out.  Finding travel agents, organising itineraries, advertising, photocopying, loads of phone calls and e mails to get it to just suit our group.  Finally, 43 of us boarded our comfortable Atkinsons Coach on Mon.13th July 2015.  Our friendly, helpful driver Mike took us off up the M6 and our first stop for lunch at the Yorkshire City of Richmond.  On to the iconic Angel of the North where we met our guide – Alex Jacobs from our tour Company  Northern Secrets, who took us on a tour of the unexpectedly modern, thriving, forward looking City of Newcastle. Continue reading

July Ramble

Once again we were blessed with fine weather. Twenty-two people set off from a reservoir near Longridge for a seven mile linear walk down to Ribchester, along by the River Ribble and then up to Hurst Green led by Margaret S. The remaining nineteen left the coach at Hurst Green for a five mile circular walk led by Ann L.  We went down to the River Ribble and worked our way around to Stoneyhurst College (a most magnificent building set in equally magnificent grounds) then returned to Hurst Green. (See slideshow below) Continue reading


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Our summer walks are going well. The numbers attending are strong, consistent and the weather in the main has been good. We have been walking the country lanes and footpaths of Lydiate for an hour and a half each week. We also make good use of the canal and the Cheshire Lines pathways. It is very pleasant being out in the fresh air, on a summers evening, in the countryside, as well as getting the benefit of exercise. It is also good to have a chat as we walk, as the group are very friendly. One week, just for a change, we took the bus to Halsall and walked back to Lydiate along the canal. Everybody in the group enjoys the walking and finds it beneficial. We will always welcome new walkers to the group, but you must have had the (free) Nordic Walking Technique Course before you join us. So if you want a course please lease see details of the new summer courses as advertised in my previous post. Happy Nordic Walking, Ian


Three new training courses have been announced by Sefton Active Walks throughout the summer. Each 4 hour course is split over 2 days. You must attend both days to complete it. The course is aimed at beginners, who wish to come Nordic Walking. To join the walks, you must have completed the technique training course. The courses are free and poles will be provided. There are limited places available on each course (12 places) and they book up quickly.

The new course dates are as follows;

Maghull: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th July 2015 – 10:00am – 12:00pm
from the Meadows Garden Centre.

Formby: Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st July 2015 – 12:45pm – 2:45pm
from Formby Library

Crosby: Thursday 20th and Friday 21st August 2015 – 10:00am – 12:00pm
from Crosby Leisure Centre

To book a place on the course, please contact the Active Walks Team on (0151) 934 2824

Happy Nordic Walking
