Painting for Pleasure Exhibition 2014

Some photos fro our latest exhibition at the Coffee morning:


We are very fortunate in having quite a number of members in the group who have a good experience of painting in watercolour, acrylics, gouache and oils, and who are only too happy to share their skills with members of the group who have never painted before. Our members say that they enjoy improving their skills and have pleasure in sharing their talents. Acrylics, the easiest of the painting media, is our main theme at the moment. Come and join us. Eric


It was booked last February and seemed a world away but there we were on Saturday 8th November, all 52 of us, ready to board our Lochs and Glens Coach for Scotland.  The weather was good to start with but as we got further North it hammered down.  We arrived at our Hotel and sorted ourselves out ready for our first evening meal – we were not disappointed.  Sunday dawned, at least it was dry and quite warm so off we went for our cruise on Loch Lomond and a nice lunch at a hotel with quite spectacular views.  Monday saw us at Glamis Castle, the childhood home of the late Queen Mother.  It was splendid and some of the private rooms were really cosy. We had a guided tour and heard all about its’ interesting past. Tuesday saw us off to Edinburgh for the day, which is a beautiful City and a designated World Heritage Site with plenty to see and do – en route we passed the Firth of Forth Bridge, the length of it is quite spectacular.  To-day it is painted with special paint but in days gone by they would just get to one end repainting and have to start back at the other.  We had a Blue Badge Guide on our coach and then went our separate ways.  Pat and Tony’s claim to fame – they met and spoke to Nicola Sturgeon at the Scottish Parliament Building. With good food, comfortable hotel, good company and entertainment each evening the 5 days flew over and there we were on our way back home to England – the rain returned!  Were we bothered?  No it had stayed good, dry and quite warm for us.