Parish Hall window completed


Work has been in progress for the last two years but at last we have finished. It was with some trepidation that we agreed to rebuild the main stain glass window in the Parish Hall, opposite St Andrew’s. However we started work and most members of our group have been occupied in the project over the intervening period, a real joint effort.
We had originally hoped that we would be able to re-use some of the original glass from the window. However the glass is over a hundred years old and it was difficult to match old glass with new. We decided to replace all the glass with new glass at the same time keeping to the original colours as closely as possible. Eighteen sections have now been rebuilt over the last two years. On the 2nd and 3rd of September the glazier fitted the final twelve panels and we were able to see the result of our work.
The final result was very pleasing. The new glass is slightly more vibrant and lively than the previous glasses. The various repairs that had been done over the years had not kept to the original pattern and colours. Now the pattern and colours are consistent and produce a pleasant effect.
It has been a great achievement for our group. Although we are amateurs we feel we have produced a professional result. With confidence we look forward to the future and hopefully more successful and pleasing work. Congratulations to all who took part.