Burscough Ramble Thurs 5th Sept

Todays ramble was from the Hop Vine along to “The Farm” near the Martin pub and then along the canal back to Burscough, 5.6 miles by my GPS..The usual late Summer obstacles were overcome ie,Long grass ,nettles,etc. However a totally unexpected event happened as we were nearing “The Farm ” for a welcome pot of tea,there, adjacent to the footpath, was one of these crop watering devices jetting pulses of water over the crops but also over the footpath,we had to try and dodge the spray but by and large not very sucessfully.We had our tea outside in the sun and let good king Sol dry us off.We then walked down to the canal and back to Burscough where we had the usual splendid meals offered by the Hop Vine (and their equally splendid brewed on the premises drinks).Thirty four of us enjoyed the day.