The August/September garden


For many gardeners this month is winding down. The garden centres are clearing away summer bedding at bargain prices but this year the warm climate gives gardeners a second chance. Your garden is hardier than you think and there are plenty of gardening tasks for August that will keep your flowers and vegetables going longer as well as planning next year .

My first  task every few days is to cut back the  hanging baskets. Remove all dead foliage to encourage another display of flowers. They may be not as vigorous in growth but at least you will have colour. Remember to feed and  water well  and keep deadheading foliage. I love wandering around the  garden in  evening with my secateurs and  snipping off dead flowers. Another of my jobs is to start taking cuttings and saving seeds especially the old fashioned marigold seeds. Planting them each year amongst the borders seems to keep my plants free of aphids and other pests. It must work because I have not seen them in my garden. Cut back geraniums to revitalize the plants. As most of you know I have Banana plants growing in the garden, some in pots and some in the ground. Well I’ve never seen them so tall and healthy. Each time I go in the garden I think I am in the tropics! I bought some Banana plants early spring from Lydiate garden nursery about 18″ tall £9.99. They are now over 6ft tall which proves regular feeding and  watering gives results


You ou can divide herbaceous perennials, collect seeds and sow annuals –  the hardy variety. I will be dividing my collection of bamboos and hostas  splitting with sharp spade and re potting you can also split in spring, if any member would like some bamboo  please contact me. Enjoy the summer my biggest regret is I didn’t opened my garden this year –  its spectacular. If you would like to visit the garden contact me on 07935286184 and I will try arrange a time.
