Ramble at Clapham

Thursday 8th August saw thirty eight of us setting off from Central Square  for a six mile ramble around Clapham in North Yorkshire.  (The coach driver thought he had drawn the short straw and was destined for Clapham in London!!).

The weather was very kind to us, sunny but not too hot. We started up the street and into the gloom of  a couple of tunnels about 100 metres long, leading to an upland track. This was quite a slog as we were climbing for about a kilometre. After a short stop to catch our breath we continued on the track and then crossed fields to see the Norber Erratics (granite boulders brought down by glaciers in the Ice Age and deposited on a bed of limestone).

After our lunch stop in a field, we regained the track and wended our way down to the village of Austwick.  Here we had a very welcome stop for liquid refreshment at the Gamecock pub. We then returned to Clapham over meadows and fields arriving back in good time for the coach to leave for home at  5 o’clock.

Our next walk starts from the Hop Vine in Burscough on September 5th starting at 10.45am.