The July garden

Norman  49kbmugshot

Hello everyone . July I think may be the start of summer if you can believe the weather men but it does look promising. Watering of the pots should continue on a daily basis, don’t allow the pots to dry out. In the borders I don’t normally water the ground as it can encourage roots to come to the surface for moisture then you will be forever be out with the hose. If you grow plants in window boxes, hanging baskets, tubs or any other container make sure they are well looked after. Once in flower and growing well, they will need liquid feeding. I do mine at least once a week. Another important job is to deadhead as this will encourage a longer flowering period. Removing faded flowers of delphinium’s and lupins  will encourage another show of flowers .

This month is ideal to take cuttings and propagate hydrangeas and  shrubs. Remember softwood tip cuttings can be taken early summer from  new unripened stems, hardwood cuttings in middle summer Autumn and root cuttings in winter when the plant is dormant.

Tomatoes will need feeding now with plenty of water. I planted a bucket up with a tumbler tomato and placed on a hook I cannot  believe how well it has grown and produced a big crop of  tomatoes. Another of my favourite salad crops is rocket –  so easy to grow with a lovely peppery taste. I use scissors to cut of what I need and it just grows back. I am told its full of vitamin C .

The Lawn will be needing some tender care especially if the hot weather continues. I have been watering late evening to keep the grass growing. When mowing, keeping the cutter high this ensures a nice lush lawn.

A lot of U3A members have been asking when I am going to open my garden. I have decided to cancel it this year but hope to open next year. I have missed the event but I feel the garden needs a makeover.  I have posted some photos of the garden as it looks now.

