Gardening – Spring is on its way


Things to do in March


March is a busy month with most herbaceous perennials showing signs of growth and some shrubs requiring pruning.

Now is the time to prune those shrubs which like Buddleia, will flower later in the year on new growth. Plants which flower on the previous year’s growth, for example Forsythia, should be pruned immediatley after flowering.


March is also the beginning of the mowing season, necessary to keep your lawn in good condition. Before cutting my lawn I spend a couple hours raking off the thatch and worm casts. This ensures the grass sits up for the mower. I adjust the mower blade height so that just the tips of the grass are removed then neaten up the edges and around trees with the strimmer. At the end of March I scarify the lawn and fill in any bare patches with grass seed .


March is when I awake my Banana plants which have been sleeping wrapped up in a corner of the garage. They have been showing signs of growth and the largest plant at over 5ft  has continued to grow throughout the winter producing two new leaves.  Another of my favourites, the Lemon tree,  has rewarded me with 5 lemons and has continued growing in the warmth of the garage.  This proves the benefits of wrapping your tender and tropical plants with horticultral fleece .

I am happy to answer questions on most Tuesday mornings or over the phone. Alternatively add a comment below. Happy gardening .  Norman Conway.