Nigel honoured by the Queen

Congratulations to U3A member Nigel Winchester who was granted the British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to the community in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.  The award recognises the sterling work done by Nigel in various local projects including his leadership of the award-winning Maghull Station Volunteers in transforming our local railway station,  and his work as principal fundraiser for the renovation and improvement of the Ancient Maghull Chapel. Well done Nigel.

Ramble around Burscough

Yesterday was our monthly ramble and didn’t we do well!! We had the one day of unbroken sunshine so far this July.

Thirty of us set off from the Hop Vine Hotel, crossed the road and started walking along a passageway between the railway and the premises next door. What a good job I brought secateurs with me. The passage was utterly choked with brambles and nettles so slow progress was made whilst clearing the jungle. (This is supposed to be a main footpath from Burscough to Martin Mere). I don’t think very much of Lancashire County Council’s footpath maintenance. Once through this obstruction the going was relatively easy and we arrived at Brandreth Barn for a welcome coffee/tea stop. Onwards over tracks and fields, eventually walking back to  “Top Locks”via the Rufford canal and joining the Leeds Liverpool canal for the last three quarters of a mile back to the Hop Vine where we had a very good lunch together with their home brewed beer. It can be highly recommended. The walk was nearly six miles long and the only one who suffered fatigue was ME. Was I glad to get back to the pub.