Nigel honoured by the Queen

Congratulations to U3A member Nigel Winchester who was granted the British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to the community in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.  The award recognises the sterling work done by Nigel in various local projects including his leadership of the award-winning Maghull Station Volunteers in transforming our local railway station,  and his work as principal fundraiser for the renovation and improvement of the Ancient Maghull Chapel. Well done Nigel.

Ramble around Burscough

Yesterday was our monthly ramble and didn’t we do well!! We had the one day of unbroken sunshine so far this July.

Thirty of us set off from the Hop Vine Hotel, crossed the road and started walking along a passageway between the railway and the premises next door. What a good job I brought secateurs with me. The passage was utterly choked with brambles and nettles so slow progress was made whilst clearing the jungle. (This is supposed to be a main footpath from Burscough to Martin Mere). I don’t think very much of Lancashire County Council’s footpath maintenance. Once through this obstruction the going was relatively easy and we arrived at Brandreth Barn for a welcome coffee/tea stop. Onwards over tracks and fields, eventually walking back to  “Top Locks”via the Rufford canal and joining the Leeds Liverpool canal for the last three quarters of a mile back to the Hop Vine where we had a very good lunch together with their home brewed beer. It can be highly recommended. The walk was nearly six miles long and the only one who suffered fatigue was ME. Was I glad to get back to the pub.

The Unveiling of Frank Hornby Mosaic at Maghull Station

The mosaic was created by pupils of Deyes High School in liaison with the Maghull Station Volunteers & Merseyrail. Following a Tuesday morning presentation to U3A members by Les French (Chairman of the Hornby Trust), volunteers were invited to assist in the making of a mosaic panel with a Hornby theme, for mounting at Maghull station in recognition of Frank Hornby, a Maghull resident for most of his life.  Deyes High successfully sought funding for the project and the work was recently completed, with a purpose made frame provided by Merseyrail for mounting  adjacent to the MtoGO shop. The photograph illustrates the formal unveiling of the mosaic on Thursday 5th July by the Mayor & Mayoress of Maghull, Mr Steve and Mrs Gwen Kermode. Also present were Pauline Treanor, project teacher, with students from Deyes High and U3A members who played an important part in working with the students, namely Mary Prendergast, Bridget Wilson & Jo Healy. Also present were Steve Abernethy of Merseyrail, Marion Atkinson of Merseytravel plus other U3A members Eileen & Alan Pritchard, Joe McGivern & Ena Winchester & Nigel Winchester leader of the Maghull Station Volunteers.

Poetry Group

Wednesday 11th July 2012 10:30

Subject   ‘Morning’

A Summer Morning

Never was sun so bright before,
No matin of the lark so sweet,
No grass so green beneath my feet,
Nor with such dewdrops jewelled o’er.

I stand with thee outside the door,
The air not yet is close with heat,
And far across the yellowing wheat
The waves are breaking on the shore.

A lovely day! Yet many such,
Each like to each, this month have passed,
And none did so supremely shine.
One thing they lacked: the perfect touch
Of thee–and thou art come at last,
And half this loveliness is thine.
Robert Fuller Murray


July & August Walks

On Thursday, 12th July the walk will start from The Hop Vine in Burscough (previously The Royal Coaching House). This walk will commence at 10.45 to allow time for people coming by bus.
The number 3A from Ormskirk bus station at 10.18 gets into Burscough at 10.36. The number 2A is an hourly service and the 9.48 from Ormskirk gets in at 10.02.
Car parking at the pub is limited but there is usually plenty of room in Tesco’s car park just across the road
The walk is about 5.75 miles and is very flat, going nearly to Martin Mere with a coffee stop en route and returning along the canal.
A highly recommended lunch will be available at The Hop Vine after the walk but if you are intending to eat it is essential that you give your name in to the walking desk. The pub is very popular and reservations are required.

On Thursday, 9th August there will be a coach trip to Grassington for a moderate walk of about 7 miles from Cracoe to Thorpe, Burnsall and on into Grassington. An alternative (shorter) walk will proceed from Thorpe to Linton and on into Grassington. The coach price will be advised later but if you wish to go please give your name and a ?5.00 deposit to the walking desk.

On Thursday, 13th September we propose to have a walk from Bromborough to Neston – full details will be announced at a later date.

Bill Langham
Walk Leader
11th June 2012