North West U3A Regional News

U3A North West Regional News
Science Day on Tuesday 6th March
To be held at West Lancs Investment Centre, Skelmersdale. This is an all day event with the theme Science in the north west, past and present.

Symposium on Friday 9th March starting at 09.30
To be held in Heswall on the topic: Aspects of running U3As.

Easter schools at Myerscough College 3rd-5th April 2012
Courses offered: Archaeology, Creative writing, Geology, Golf,
Introduction to ancient Egypt, Novelists and Philosophers, Sixty years of science.

North west region AGM and distinguished lecture on Friday 18th May at 14.00
To be held at Preston, lecturer Bill Tidy.
Further details and booking forms for all the above from Bill Howarth.

New Church Window

Window by Bob Jones

view from the pew













Over the last few months one of our group has been working well on a very special piece. Bob Jones is a member of the Waterloo United Free Church which is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Bob has constructed a window incorporating two Christian symbols which shape the figure 100. This imaginative piece of stained glass work is now in place in their place of worship. Members of the congregation have been high in praise of Bob’s work and are encouraging him to extend his work and create an even bigger window.
Bob is a good example of the talent that is being exhibited by our group the members of which are engaged on many pieces of challenging and tasteful designs. The vibrant colours of glass are enriching their homes.