Walks programme

Thursday, 20th October @ 10.30

Meet at the Railway Hotel, Formby, near the station for a 5 mile circular walk towards Altcar.
The walk goes past St Luke’s church and down to the beach, across the dunes and on to the foreshore returning to Formby via the car park and Lifeboat Road.
Optional lunch will be available at the Railway Hotel.
Leader – Bill Langham

Thursday 24th November@ 10.30

Meet at the Ship Inn on Rosemary Lane in Haskayne for a 5 mile walk around Haskayne and Halsall. The 300 bus towards Southport stops near Haskayne Post Office and it is a short walk across the main road to the Ship. Cars can be parked in the pub car park.
The walk is a circular one going across farmland and down Trundle Pie Lane to the canal near Halsall and back via Barton to Haskayne.
Optional lunch is available at the pub after the walk.
Leader – Bill Langham

Thursday, 8th December@10.30

Meet at Ormskirk Station for a 5 mile walk around Ormskirk and Aughton.
Optional lunch at the Fiveways Hotel

Leader Bill Langham

Two local walks

Our July  “Merseyside Walk” saw us starting from the Hesketh Arms in Rufford at 10.30 am after pre-ordering our lunch at the above hostelry. We crossed the road and went down to the canal and headed towards Burscough along the towpath. The view over the two Marinas was very picturesque and the scene was finished off by watching a holiday barge negotiate the adjacent lock
Crossing the A59, we walked on fields and footpaths and eventually arrived at Mere Sands Nature Reserve where we had a break for a look around and a cooling drink. We then walked behind Rufford Old Hospital and eventually recrossed the A59 near to the Rufford Arms. We again walked along the canal bank and made our way back to the Hesketh Arms where we were very efficiently served with a very good lunch.
The weather was very kind to us and eighteen people enjoyed a 5 mile meander.

Our August “Merseyside Walk” started from Freshfield Station and twenty six of us set out in glorious sunshine for a walk around old Formby and Freshfield. After many lefts and rights and passage ways we crossed over the Formby by-pass and into a section of fields, with stiles and lots of horses, eventually walking back down to the by-pass by Porters fuschia nurseries. After re-crossing the road we walked down various tracks back to the Freshfield Hotel where sixteen of us had pre-booked. The meal when it came was  good but the speed of service was nowhere as good as the Hesketh Arms. The weather stayed fine  for the duration of the walk and only rained late afternoon. We were very lucky.
Bill Langham

Final total for sponsored cycle ride

In July I completed the collection of sponsor money which people have so generously contributed. The final sum was £800 for which I sent cheques off to Médecins Sans Frontières MSF (Doctors Without Borders). I have received acknowledgement of this and will post this on the notice board on Tuesday.
Again very grateful thanks to all those who sponsored Reg Moore
and myself.

John Jackson.