July Ramble – Kendal

Here are some photographs taken on our ramble around Kendal on Thurs 7th July. It was a great success despite a gloomy weather forecast. On the day the sunshine was more in evidence than the rain. 20 of us hardy souls started the walk at a lay-by near Sizergh Castle, climbing through rolling countryside to a viewpolnt at 220ft, . giving extensive views over Morcambe Bay and the Lyth Valley.

We then started walking along Scout Scar towards the “Mushroom” at 780ft. This gave us views over towards Coniston Old Man. After lunch and a photo shoot we started our descent to Kendal stopping at Kendal golf course for a last viewpoint at 650ft over towards Troutbeck ( a rather high golf course).

We then wound our way down to the town of Kendal through various Wynds and passage ways and so to the bus station to be picked up for the journey home having covered just under 7 miles.